AMG Specialty Hospital - Las Vegas
Clark County, 89121
View more information about this hospitalEmergency Care
Percentage of patients whose activities of daily living and thinking skills are assessed and related goals were included in their treatment plan
Percentage of patients whose functional abilities were assessed and functional goals were included in their treatment plan
Percentage of LTCH patients who experience one or more falls with major injury during their LTCH stay
Percentage of patients whose medications were reviewed and who received follow-up care when medication issues were identified
Too few events
Patient Satisfaction
Not Applicable
for this measure
Not Applicable
for this measure
Not Applicable
for this measure
Provided Discharge Instructions
Not Applicable
for this measure
Not Applicable
for this measure
Not Applicable
for this measure
Not Applicable
for this measure
Not Applicable
for this measure
Not Applicable
for this measure
Not Applicable
for this measure