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Mesa View Regional Hospital

Emergency Care

Hospital Compare, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Measure Rate State Avg. National Avg.
Left ED Without Being Seen Not Applicable 1% 3%
Minutes in ED Before Going Home 137 144 163


Hospital Compare, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Measure Rate State Avg. National Avg.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 30-Day Readmission Rate 17.5% Not Applicable No different than the National Rate18.5%
Heart Failure 30-Day Readmission Rate 19.9% Not Applicable No different than the National Rate19.8%
Hospital-wide 30-Day Readmission Rate 14.5% Not Applicable No different than the National Rate14.6%
Pneumonia 30-Day Readmission Rate 16.5% Not Applicable No different than the National Rate16.4%

Mortality CMS

Hospital Compare, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Measure Rate State Avg. National Avg.
COPD 30-Day Mortality Rate 12% Not Applicable No different than the National RateNot Applicable
Heart Failure 30-Day Mortality Rate 12.1% Not Applicable No different than the National RateNot Applicable
Pneumonia 30-Day Mortality Rate 23.8% Not Applicable No different than the National RateNot Applicable


Measure Rate State Avg. National Avg.
Health Care Worker Flu Immunization 33% 66% 80%

Patient Satisfaction

Measure Stars
Doctor Communication
Overall Satisfaction Rating
Patients Recommend
Provided Discharge Instructions
Quiet at Night
Room Cleanliness
Staff Explained Medicine
Nurse Communication
Staff Responsiveness
Care Transition
Summary Star Rating